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Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1997, Deniz Demirer is a multidisciplinary artist and art project manager. 

She grew up in a family of artists, in particular with her great-grandfather Ferruh BaÅŸaÄŸa who was a famous Turkish abstract painter and a stained glass and mosaic artist. She spent a lot of time in his studio where she started painting. After graduating from the Lycée privé français Saint-Joseph in Istanbul, she decided to continue her studies in Paris, France.

She holds a bachelor's degree and a master's 1 in visual arts from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. She works on exploring the complex relationship between the physical body and its environment, understanding how experiences and identity shape its manifestation and influence our interactions. In addition, she focuses on issues such as sexual abuse, the objectification of women's bodies and the promotion of resilience for a more equitable and respectful society.

She is currently pursuing her research as part of the Master 2 International MAVI - Master in Arts & Vision at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.


She has worked as an artist assistant to renowned artists Latifa Echakhch, Yonamine, and Young Jun Tak during the 15th Istanbul Biennial titled "A Good Neighbor," curated by the Danish-Norwegian artist duo Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset. This experience provided her with the opportunity to witness and actively participate in the creative, construction, and production processes of their respective art pieces, namely "Crowd Fade," "Les Collages," and "The Silence and Eloquence of Objects."

At the Pera Museum, she worked as the primary researcher for an upcoming exhibition that brought together all the diverse periods of the visual universe of acclaimed filmmaker Sergei Parajanov, the master of poetic cinema, in an exhibition titled "Sergei Parajanov with Sarkis," presented in multiple languages. Additionally, she collaborated with artist Sarkis on curatorial and scenographic aspects of the exhibition.

Furthermore, she acts as the liaison based in Paris for the documentary series "BENIM SANATIM (My Art)" on Turkish artists, produced for the Turkish television channel NTV. She handles all the logistical arrangements for filming artists living and working in Paris, including prominent figures such as Mehmet Güleryüz, Sarkis, and Alev Ebüzziya.

Between the years 2019 and 2022, she has held the position of Head of Art Projects at Ellia Art Gallery, a French gallery specializing in street art. In this role, she has been responsible for managing and producing all artistic projects and art fairs, collaborating with street artists on project design, coordinating teams, and developing communication strategies for related events.

Currently she is the project coordinator at Sorbonne ArtGallery with her research director, Professor Yann Toma. She worked on the following exhibitions: Léonard Pongo PRIMORDIAL EARTH, Véronique Ellena LE CIEL, LA TERRE, ET TOUT CE QU'ILS RENFERMENT, Brodbeck & de Barbuat UNE HISTOIRE PARALLÈLE : PHOTOGRAPHIE & IA.

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