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20 March 2021.png
20 March 2021.png


MARCH 20, 2021: A VISUAL NARRATIVE ON FEMICIDE is an art installaIon aimed at shedding light on the harsh realiIes of domesIc violence and femicide, particularly in the context of Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul ConvenIon on March 20, 2021. Serving as a poignant representaIon of the before and aeer effects of this decision, the installaIon juxtaposes the principles of the convenIon with the stark materials employed in acts of violence against women. ObjecIves include raising awareness about the prevalence and impact of gender- based violence, highlighIng the importance of internaIonal agreements like the Istanbul ConvenIon, and sparking dialogue and acIon towards ending violence against women in Turkey and beyond. The centerpiece of the installaIon is a table divided into two secIons, symbolizing the withdrawal date, with one side displaying printed pages of the convenIon while the other showcases materials used in cases of violence. Visitors are encouraged to engage with the printed pages, reflect on survivor tesImonies, and share their thoughts and reacIons, aiming to provoke thought, evoke empathy, and inspire acIon.

Installation, Ä°stanbul Convention booklets, Divers objects with NFC puces

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